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What to do with all those great travel pics.

Todd Moss

This is Mary's story

Here are a few of the coffee table books Rhonda has made to remember our travels.

You've taken 100's, possibly 1000's of travel pics. Now what do you do with them? The question should probably be, "what not to do with them?" Let me just say, you don't necessarily need a fancy camera. I take most of our pics on a cell phone. I post them on Facebook, and make very enlarged photos from them without any graininess. I found a little APP called Quik that makes really neat short slide shows set to music. I'm not techy and I learned how to do it in minutes. As we are going to Africa this fall, I may make a departure from my cell phone only pics and get a "real camera" for the zoom capabilities. The first thing I do with the travel pics is sort them out. Not all pics are created equal, so I only keep the very best. It reduces clutter, and helps free space on my phone and computer. Then I get them to my computer using free apps like Google Drive or Dropbox. If you don't want to learn that, you can just email them to yourselves in small batches. Then I file them in folders by trip (i.e. Alaska 15, Morocco 17 etc.). That way I can find them back, and remember what year the trip was from. There are a number of on-line services that can help you make use of your great pics so they are not just stored on the computer. Shutterfly, Parabo, Etsy, and Bayphoto are a few. Rhonda makes an annual calendar using Shutterfly. These give us a monthly reminder of some of our great trips in the previous year. She's also made some nice hardcover coffee table books. We have several very large travel photo displays around the house. We also have some favorites printed on 3d foam by Bayphoto. We are continuing to add to this growing display with some of our very best travel memories. No holes necessary, we Velcro all our pics to the wall making them very flexible, and changeable. What are some other things you can do with those great pics? Here are a few examples:

  • They can be printed on metal, glass, or wood.

  • Check out Etsy, you can have them turned into a watercolor or oil painting.

  • You can turn them into a world map, or pin them to a cork shaped world map wall hanging.

  • You can make luggage tags, tote bags, puzzles, stamps, post cards, cakes, cookies, stickers, ceramic tiles, and candles. All to display and remember your fantastic trip.

  • You can even wear those pics by putting them on t-shirts, shoes, leggings, and even fingernail wraps.

  • You can cover a whole wall in wallpaper made with your travel pic.

  • Last, but not least, you can remember your trip in the shower with a shower curtain customized with that fabulous picture.

You'll be amazed at what you can do with those great pics and memories. It's time to get them out of the album, stop leaving them on your phone or computer. Make your amazing travel experience live on, and share it with others. It's easy and in many cases inexpensive.

Rhonda makes a calendar every year that includes some special travel memories.

Rhonda makes a calendar every year with some special travel memories.

Framed Travel Pics

One of several framed displays of travel photos in our house. Cell phone pics are high enough resolution that they can be enlarged this much and remain high quality prints.

Changeable wall display of travel pics.

These 8x8 pics are on foam blocks Velcroed to the wall. It makes a travel display we can easily change or add to.

Bag tags with pictures.

These metal bag tags have our address on one side and pictures of us with our Grandtwins on the other. You can do the same with travel pics.

These are just a few of the many things you can do with all those great pictures. Now get them off your phone or out of your drawers and relive those memories every day!

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